As the the waters rose higher and higher above the ground, the boat floated safely on the surface. Genesis 7:18
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina annihilated Louisiana's coast and left a city in ruin. Hundreds lost their live in New Orleans and its outlying regions; thousands more mourned the loss of loved ones, homes, and belongings. Grief reverberated across the world as survivors faced starting over with nothing.
It's difficult enough to hear about horrors of a flood on the radio, but it is still more heart-wrenching to see the devastation on television, where pain-filled faces register emotions we can't really begin to touch. To experience such loss firsthand is difficult for most of us to comprehend.
That is, until we realize pain is pain, something no one escapes. Life, like water, is a blessing that can overtake us with little to no warning. It was no secret that New Orleans was below sea level. Its citizens built levees to hold back the unpredictable ocean outside their doors. But their efforts proved futile when those levees broke.
We may not live on a floodplain, but we will face times when life dares to drowns us. Problems may pummel us, leaving us gasping for relief from circumstances that seem determined to destroy us.
God is the only levee that will hold no matter what. He holds you as you face life's storms in his palm, and he won't let the waters overflow the boundaries of his hand. You might feel as if you've sunk to the bottom, but if you look up through the murkiness, you'll discover the waves haven't overtaken him. They never will.
Those who seek God wholeheartedly will experience his strength in the midst of whatever shakes up their world. God will provide in his way and time, and he'll see you safely to his destination for you when you rely on him.
Like Noah and his family during history's most disastrous flood, you can float safely within God's grasp.
Trust him to be your unbreachable Levee.
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